Monday, March 21, 2011

Through the Eyes of a [Megan K.] Bride: Choosing a Date

Follow us as we take a firsthand look at what planning a wedding entails.  Through the Eyes of a [Megan K.] Bride will be a series full of laughter, great tips and unique ideas.  We love our Megan K. Brides!
Choosing a Date:
I couldn’t believe it!  There I was… I had my perfect guy, a beautiful ring and supportive family and friends.  I wanted to live in that moment we got engaged forever...

All of a sudden the questions started flying.  “Congratulations!  When is the date?!”  “We’re so happy for you!  When are you getting married?”  What?!  I just answered the most important question of my life and you expect me to have planned that far in advance already?  My fiancé and I took time to bask in the feeling of being newly engaged and then began the long road of planning our wedding.

There were many factors to consider when choosing the date for our wedding.  Should we pick a date that means something to us like the day we met?  Or should we choose a season that is easy for our out of town guests to travel?  What about a time of year where the venue fees may be discounted?  Or perhaps, we would just have to settle on a date when all of our venues were open… 

These were the main factors we took into account:

Season: For us, living in Florida played a huge factor in choosing a date.  We always envisioned having part of our reception outside overlooking the water.  Guests wearing their Sunday best might want to kill us for making them suffer through the excruciating heat if we chose the summertime.

Availability of Venues: My fiancé and I met through our church groups.  Our faith is such a meaningful part of our relationship.  Getting married at our church was the first priority for us.  Finding a date that both the ceremony and reception venue are simultaneously available is trickier than you may think…

Length of our Engagement: We needed enough time to adequately plan our wedding, but didn’t want to drag it out.  What other milestone events might be going on at the same time of your engagement?  Are you buying a house or starting a new job?

After much deliberation, we decided that an early November wedding would be perfect for us.  The average temperature is in the low 70s and both the church and our reception venue were available!  

For some this might seem like an oversimplified decision process.  Remember: this is your wedding; choose a date that works for you.  Megan K. is a tremendous consultant with big decisions like this.  She is always willing to do some research and assist in the process with you! Not to mention, she knows all the best venues in town!

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